Why Chinese Herbs? What's the deal with 'Chinese herbs'? Are they better than traditional herbs grown here in America? Will Chinese herbs be part of your treatment plan?
Chinese herbal medicine dates back thousands of years. As a Doctor of Oriental Medicine I have received years of training, by some of the best herbalists teaching in the United States, in the use of Chinese herbs. Herbs are an integral part of the treatment plan to help you gain optimal health. Chinese herbs may help you eliminate, reduce the dosage, or at least ameliorate the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. You do not have to choose between what your medical doctor gives you and the Chinese herbs that will be prescribed for you. They can co-exist together. This results in you living a more abundant and satisfying life.
The herbal formulas which I prescribe are manufactured under the strictest quality controls, producing easy-to-take products with consistent potency and purity.
A major difference between Western and Eastern medicine is the sophistication of the Chinese herbal formulas. They're not a mishmash of herbs thrown together, trying to cover up signs and symptoms. The sophistication is like that of an army invading a country -- a general, focused on the major complaint; and then his assistants, adjutants, colonels, majors, sergeants, privates, etc., all with a job to do. In other words, there's a strategy. And in Chinese medicine, even before the strategy, there is a TCM diagnosis, without which there can be no strategy or logistics.
I get a little overwhelmed when I try to briefly explain what I learned about Chinese herbal medicine in 4 years of acupuncture school, plus in 25 more years of practicing TCM ! Chinese herbal medicine is not static -- it's constantly evolving. The devil is in the details, and so is the essence of Chinese herbal medicine. What channels (meridians) does an herb go to? How does one herb interact with another? How does taste and flavor affect the patient?And on and on...
Chinese herbal medicine is potent and effective. Patients are not text book studies. They have a head on top of their body, and their mind can help or hinder a condition. (You may have noticed that there is a connection between the two.)