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Your first visit to Khalsa Acupuncture will be to greatly reduce pain and to help alleviate your current problem. Subsequent visits will be to progress to a stable and balanced condition of health, utilizing the M-Test, traditional Chinese acupuncture, and herbal medicine.
I treat the whole person .... body, mind and spirit. These three parts of ourselves are so intricately intertwined that it's impossible to separate one from the other. Each individual is unique and requires something special that is different from another individual. This is what makes acupuncture a wonderful blend of science and art.
Sometimes people think of acupuncture and Oriental medicine as something totally different from "going to the doctor," but they are complementary and integrative; one not being better than the other but each having pluses and minuses. Acupuncturists are classified as primary care physicians. I practice acupuncture as medicine. I'm not an M.D. but fill in many gaps that a medical doctor cannot do; and some of the procedures an M.D. does, I can also do but without side effects from medications.
Browse through my website to see what acupuncture and Chinese herbs can do for you. Whatever questions you have, please take the time to contact me. I'm willing to talk with you about any problems or conditions you may have, at no cost. I look forward to meeting you if you live in or visit anywhere in Northern New Mexico.
Blessings, Dr. Seva SSS Khalsa, DOM, L.Ac.
"Wouldn't it be nice if..." Wouldn't it be nice if you could just walk up, park yourself, get a change of oil, new blood, a few screws put in and be on your way... Well, that's what modern medicine is trying to do, at least for your structure -- new knees, new hips, new shoulders, etc. Wouldn't it be nice if we could live in denial, and with that, in our own little dream world. What I'm getting to is when you come to me for acupuncture it isn't going to be like "normal" acupuncture. I'm going to give you my very best, and at the same time, I expect my patients to be involved with getting better, from whatever condition you come to me for. Teamwork wins the day. Most of my adult life I've been practicing Kundalini Yoga, eating healthy foods, meditating, and in spite of that, I was in Hospice. What did I learn? Life isn't fair -- and, get over it. There's almost always going to be two or more ways to look at things: The glass is half full, or "Oh my God, I'm going to die!" So, let's get on with doing everything possible to make our lives better. I'll give you exercises, meditations, herbal supplements, etc. No, I don't expect anyone to be perfect; I haven't accomplished that yet either. But let's work together to reach our goals and make life better.
Dr. Khalsa's Point of View on Acupuncture
Acupuncture, the most popular name used for Chinese and Eastern Medicine, is only one part of the entire realm called Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture is the energetic field of Chinese Medicine. The largest field is the lifestyle, the culture, that has existed in China and the East for thousands of years. From the culture comes the idea for the basis of Chinese Medicine, which is BALANCE - Mind, Body and Spirit. This is shown in the government and in the people and how they live their lives, e.g., do not get overly excited, do not get depressed, stay moderate. I personally saw this represented in my Chinese instructors during my days in acupuncture school. At my particular school acupuncture was secondary to Herbal Medicine, which is the foundation for internal medicine in China. There I discovered how effective Herbal Medicine is and saw some miraculous outcomes. I incorporate God in my personal lifestyle and I practice the Sikh faith. In China, God is not relevant; survival is. China's long history of wars and starvation and survival is more relevant than a Supreme Being. A joke is "God stays away from China because He's afraid He'll be eaten." Most people think of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine as something totally different from "going to the doctor," but they are complementary and integrative, one not being better than the other; not one vs. the other but each having its pluses and minuses. I've personally gone through the Western (allopathic) model, experiencing both the pluses and minuses of Western medicine during a serious illness, as have many people that I've treated. As a practitioner of Oriental Medicine I fill in the gaps that Western Medicine cannot take care of, i.e., most chronic diseases. Many people expect too much from Western Medicine; it's not a pure science as much as it's professed to be because WE ARE ALL INDIVIDUALS and we don't all respond the same way to pharmaceuticals. As you've seen in some commercials: "....science proves this....science says that..." etc. Take that with a grain of salt. Humans are much more complex and personal and we refuse to be put into a box which modern medicine wants to put us in because it's convenient AND they do this for insurance purposes. Western Medicine excels during emergencies and the acute severities of the human condition. It's less effective for chronic conditions. As modern medicine wants to move us into boxes and containers, individuals want more... more time and more understanding from their doctors. They are thinking and saying, "I'm an individual and want to be treated as a human being." And this is how I will treat you.
Currently Accepting BCBSNM and PresbyterianInsurance